Now, where was I? This area is a real mixture of expat land and authentic Spain, no prizes for guessing which bit interests me the most but it is convenient to be able to speak English whilst I'm learning Spanish. And sadly I have to admit that it is true that it is harder to remember the older we get- can recognise words and their translations but when it comes to actually using them- well I know they're in there somewhere. Going to spanish classes once a week and practising when I go shopping- Lynne was very good and made me speak instead of asking her, did nearly get myself into trouble at the market as the word for enough is bastanta and I keep saying bastarda! so a tip is to think of asti spumante but of course thats what I end up saying which causes even more confusion but at least I wont get a black eye!
Now, I am being asked about the weather and I remember the grief I got from so called friends when I told you about it last year so this time please be kinder. The days are lovely - the sun is shining the majority of the day and out of the wind it can get very hot however there is normally a strong wind in the mornings and the temperature does drop very suddenly when the sun goes down and boy then it does feel cold. The spanish are walking round in coats and scarves and boots and I'm in short sleeved t shirt and cut offs on the beach. I hate to say but it is fab- the sea is a stunning colour and the sky is blue. However cold weather is on the way, there has already been snow in Alicante just up the coast, and the houses aren't built for it with marble floors and no insulation so its up to the market to buy sweaters and get the rugs out - but as most of you know I am a hardy soul having lived at the farm for 10years without heating.
Think thats probably enough for today - may be outstaying my welcome at the bar cause i've been using their wifi for ages now- internet at home not an option because my little laptop runs too slowly but can get my emails so its not really an issue.
So, hope all is well with everyone, will talk again soon.