Thursday, 12 February 2015

Just thought i'd say a quick hello now I've been back here for a couple of weeks- had an 'interesting' time back working at the hospital- all a bit of a novelty for the first few days - lovely to catch up with old friends and colleagues and enjoyed  the work, however by the second week my feet and back were starting to ache and  reminding me that they too enjoy a more relaxing way of life. Had forgotten just how hard 10 hour days can be, and was very grateful not to be called back when on call.
So on my return I had a few quiet days catching up on my rest; I was grateful for the work as it afforded  me the opportunity to join a second care agency and fulfill their training requirements but was glad to be back in the sunshine.

 And yes the sun was lovely- blue skies and lovely sea but in the last few days winter has really hit. We had been chuckling to ourselves down here as  the majority of Spain has been having a very unusual cold snap- snow over most of the country but there was a little strip along our coastline which was escaping all of that but for no longer - whilst we don't have snow there have been some very low temperatures and lots of strong winds and rain. But sure it will change again soon.

Have been quite busy - started helping out at the local animal shelter -  caring for the dogs- and whilst it is lovely to be around that wonderful dog energy I have not fallen in love with any of them and have no intention of doing so - but if the time did come when I was able to adopt a new pal then  would come to these people - they are doing an amazing job. Have also been increasing my exercise levels since I got on the scales at the McIndoe- no, I'm not going  public - will just say that it came as a nasty shock!

So have got about 10days here then will be flying back to the UK to look after Gwen again for a couple of weeks - will just be a flying visit so no time to go visiting but hopefully will catch up on the phone.

So thats me- hope you are all well and coping with the winter- nice to know that Spring is on the horizon isn't it?
Bye for now
Jane x